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Italian Angels for Biotech

IAB is an association made by a group of people with significant experience in Life Sciences.

Our goal is to identify and nurture top talent entrepreneurs in the Life Sciences sector. We lead equity investments to help ideas and start-ups to reach key objectives. Interested to apply? See below!






Zeigt sich dagegen die Wirtschaftswelt optimistisch und das politische Weltgeschehen entspannt, wie etwa in den 1990er Jahren, ist Gold kaum gefragt. In einem schönen Jugendstil-Kontorhaus mit steinernen Hasen und Brezelmännern an der Fassade residiert in Hannover die Firma Bahlsen. Aber wie kann man lebenswichtige Informationen so aufbereiten, so dass sie auch gelesen und gespeichert werden Tankred Stöbe, Präsident der deutschen Sektion von “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”.

The apparent absolute bioavailability of oral dolasetron, determined by the major active metabolite hydrodolasetron, is approximately 75%. Penicillamine may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Researchers have found that modafinil boosts higher-order cognitive function without causing serious side effects Mean plasma NH 3 concentration at endpoint was similar in patients treated with scavengers compared to those not treated with scavenger medication (55.

Seponering: Nøye veiledninger nødvendig ved seponering da dette kan avdekke depresjon samt kroniskoveraktivitet. Itraconazole, gemfibrozil and their combination markedly raise the plasma concentrations of loperamide. Symptomer skyldes lavere stoffskifte og gir utslagsom tretthet, kuldefølelse, forstoppelse og vektøkning Aktivt kull kan brukes for å fjerne uabsorbert aktiv substans.

Other drugs may interact with pemetrexed, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Statins are also found in the combination medications Caduet® (atorvastatin + amlodipine) and Vytorin™ (simvastatin + ezetimibe). This test is often used to manage eye disorders The elimination half-life of captopril increases with decreasing renal function: the elimination rate correlates with creatinine clearance.

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Each proposal will be screened and if your project has generated sufficient interest you will be invited to present your project at the Elevator Pitch event (“IAB Elevator Pitch”). We plan four IAB Elevator Pitch per year, where all IAB members are invited to attend. The presentation must be provided at least 1 week prior to the meeting to ensure that all required information is included. Please note that a proposal that is not selected for the IAB Elevator Pitch may still receive comments/recommendations and could be re-submitted later for further consideration.

The IAB Elevator Pitch will last approximately 30 minutes per project (15-20 min for the presentation and 10 min for Q&A). Each IAB member could independently decide to proceed to Step 4, the due diligence phase. If your project has attracted the interest of one or more members you will agree with them on how to follow-up. IAB, as an Association will be not involved directly in Step 4 and onwards.

Each Angel who has decided to consider investing in your project will meet and discuss terms for entering into a due diligence phase. Most likely this will entail signing a confidentiality agreement as well as beginning business discussion on financial and legal terms.

If due diligence is positively completed a term sheet will be presented to the entrepreneur by the investing angels and if agreed an Investment agreement will be finalized, agreed and signed by the parties. Typically, the investment agreement contains details about the amount to be invested, equity composition of the company, mentoring arrangements, board composition etc.

Prior to submitting your proposal we strongly encourage you to navigate through our web site and collect all relevant information about who we are, our investment philosophy, how we operate, and what we are looking for.

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Open zone, Via Meucci 3, 20091, Bresso (MI), Italy
Phone: +39 334 3888351 Email:

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